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Tissue-Equivalent Phantom for Mammography (011A)


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Tissue-Equivalent Phantom  for Mammography

A Refined Quality Assurance Tool
for Today's Advanced Imaging Systems

Model 011A

Proven simulation technology enables the use of tissue-equivalent, realistically-shaped phantoms for mammographic quality assurance.

CIRS resin material mimics the photon attenuation coefficients of a range of breast tissues. Average elemental composition of the human breast being mimicked is based on the individual elemental composition of adipose and glandular tissue reported by Hammerstein.

Attenuation coefficients are calculated by using the "mixture rule" and the Photon Mass Attenuation and Energy Absorption Coefficient Table of J.H. Hubbell.
The CIRS Model 011A Breast Phantom contains targets that are engineered to test the threshold of the new generation of mammography machines. Model 011A is 4.5 cm thick and simulates an average glandular tissue composition.

The Model 011A was designed to test the performance of any mammographic system. Objects within the phantom simulate calcifications, fibrous calcifications in ducts and tumor masses. Test objects within the phantom range in size from those that should be visible on any system to objects that will be difficult to resolve on the best mammographic systems.
CIRS mammography phantoms are also manufactured in 4 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm thicknesses with various glandular equivalencies.

The methodology and design of these phantoms was developed by Dr. Panos Fatouros and his associates at the Medical College of Virginia.

Line pair target
1. 20 lp/mm

Ca CO3 specs
grain size (mm)
2. .130
3. .165
4. .196
5. .230
6. .275
7. .400
8. .230
9. .196
10. .165
11. .230
12. .196
13. .165

Step Wedge
1 cm thick
14. 100% gland
15. 70% gland
16. 50% gland
17. 30% gland
18. 100% adipose

Nylon Fibers
diameter size (mm)
19. 1.25
20. 0.83
21. 0.71
22. 0.53
23. 0.30

Hemispheric Masses
75% glandular/ 25% adipose, thickness (mm)
24. 4.76
25. 3.16
26. 2.38
27. 1.98
28. 1.59
29. 1.19
30. 0.90

Optical Density
31. reference zone

Edge of Beam
32. localization target

Phantom Body
Length 12.5 cm
Width 18.5 cm
Height 4.5 cm
Material Epoxy

Also Included
30x handheld microscope

Mammography QA docu- ments
for recording image evaluations
and scores

Technical manual

Carrying case sold separately.

1. Skubic S.E., Fatouros PP. Abosorbed Breast Dose: Dependence on Radiographic
Modality and Technique, and Breast Thickness. RADIOLOGY,1986,161:263-270.

2. Fatouros PP, Skubic S.E., Goodman H. The Development and Use of Realistically Shaped, Tissue- equivalent Phantoms for Assessing the Mammographic Process.
RADIOLOGY, 1985 157(p):32.